In the course of my career, I’ve had clients who saw the appraisal as a cost of doing business. A cost they would rather avoid, but could not. I’ve dealt with clients who did not understand what an appraiser is or does, but who required an appraisal regardless. Some clients want the appraiser to address every conceivable facet of their property. Others would happily scale back the project to a few pages and a value estimate.
So what does an appraisal really provide to clients?
An appraisal report is a tool used by clients to make informed decisions. Attorneys rely on appraisals to establish values and damages in litigation. Investors can use a report to make buying decisions. Corporate clients may request a market study before expanding. Banks rely on appraisals when evaluating collateral. All of these clients are relying on the expertise of the appraiser as a consultant.
Clients rely on appraisers as part of their due diligence process. The role of an appraiser is to provide objective, qualified analysis. We provide independent research, first hand verification of market data, and the experience to relate it to a specific property for our clients. At the end, our clients need to be assured they can rely on the appraiser with integrity.
As your consultant, my integrity and reputation are what I have to offer. My clients rely on my independence, honesty, diligence and objective analysis. They deserve a professional and ethical work product. They deserve integrity and a work ethic that can be demonstrated with every appraisal. You deserve that level of service too.
When you retain an appraiser, you need to be confident you can rely on them. Occasionally, I have to provide my clients with an analysis they would rather not hear. That’s okay. What I offer is a process with integrity, not a product.